Want to find the best comparison prices for your utilities?

It's very easy to stick with the 'devil you know' when it comes to your utilities but are you sure you're still getting the best prices?

You get dazzled by low introductory offers to entice you in to find once the tariff rolls over, you're paying much more than you had expected but the hassle of moving everything means you stay put.

By changing to the most competitive tariff, customers can save £Hundreds just by switching!

We have access (through our partner, Energylinx – the largest specialist domestic energy comparison in the UK) to the whole of the UK market; any tariff that’s actually available in your home or place of business is compared. NO FILTERS, NOTHING IS HIDDEN and we’re free to use!


100% Impartial – The Whole Market – Free to use


“Switch, don’t stick!”


How are Utility Switch different?

We’re a very small, family based team and our mission is to get you the BEST PRICES for your GAS, ELECTRICITY or DUAL FUEL. Each year millions of households and businesses pay more than they need to for gas and electricity.

Ofgem themselves (the Energy Regulator), are actively encouraging all gas and electricity users to use switch comparison sites, every time their contract finishes. They state on their own website that:

It pays to shop around. Ofgem research finds comparing and switching supplier or energy tariff can make a big difference to your gas and electricity bills – with annual savings of around £300 available”

Want to know more? Get in touch

    ofgem logoOur partners are fully accredited to the Ofgem Confidence Code to compare energy for domestic consumers

    pad lock logoWe take your privacy seriously. Our partners use EV SSL security certificates to protect your data. We never have and never will share your data with third parties. We will never attempt to sell you something that you have not requested. We see your data as being your data.

    Energy companies we work with: